Innovative flood protection:
NOAH DSP embankment stabilisingpanels and
NOAH DEP embankment raising panels.
In the face of global warming, many public authorities are already
asking which river banks need to be reconstructed or moved
farther back, and which areas will need flood protection where
there is none at the moment. One thing is certain: embankments
across Europe need to be repaired to ensure that adequate flood
protection is in place. New embankments incur significant costs
and also consume large areas of land. Even if suitable space is
available, disputes with land owners are usually inevitable.
No chance for roots – or beavers
NOAH DSP patented embankment stabilising panels prevent water
from seeping through existing river banks and dykes. They
minimise disruption to landscapes and are available at moderate
cost. If the height has to be increased to prevent water from
flooding over an embankment, this is achieved with the relevant
NOAH DEP embankment raising panels. Incidentally, all these
panels not only stop water in its tracks, but also roots or attacksby
beavers and other rodents.
Thanks to these measures, embankments and dykes can be prepared to face the challenge of
future weather conditions.
The advantages of patented NOAH DSP
embankment stabilising and NOAH DEP
embankment raising panels at a glance:
Can be installed with a minimum of vibration
Rapid installation
Only minimum disruption to the natural surroundings
Low costs
Highly waterproof and extremely durable
Practically no ageing or corrosion if correctly stored (DEP)
Environmentally-friendly, food-safe and suitable for drinking water
'Lotus effect' for easy cleaning
The gentle method
Embankment strengthening with NOAH DSP stabilising panels
A narrow trench is made in the embankment to accommodate
thestabilising panels. This is a cutting technique which, unlike pile
driving, minimises vibration and does not endanger the stability of
the embankment as a whole or nearby buildings. The soil removed
by this process is used to fill the trench on both sides of the panels
after they have been inserted, and is then compacted using a
special technique.
If additional help is required, embankment raising panels can simply be
attached on top of the stabilising panels.
Dimensions of NOAH DSP
min. 3 mm
Installed depth:
as required (up to 8 metres)
100 years according to Bundesamt fürMaterialforschung (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing)
Dimensions of NOAH DEP
1,400 – 4,500 mm
250 – 1,000 mm
We reserve the right to make alterations in the course of ongoing technical developments.